Outbound Mobility: Going Abroad to Study
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- International and Partnerships
- Student Life
The UNC receives the visit of Senator Pierre Frogier on its Nouville campus
After a suspension linked to the health situation, official visits …Read moreFilm debate “Food autonomy, health and respect for the land”
L’UNC présente son prochain ciné-débat qui aura lieu le jeudi …Read moreWhat Regional Economic Integration for French Pacific Territories?
Is the regional integration of French Pacific territories (the FPT, …Read more
The UNC receives the visit of Senator Pierre Frogier on its Nouville campus
After a suspension linked to the health situation, official visits …Read moreFilm debate “Food autonomy, health and respect for the land”
L’UNC présente son prochain ciné-débat qui aura lieu le jeudi …Read moreWhat Regional Economic Integration for French Pacific Territories?
Is the regional integration of French Pacific territories (the FPT, …Read more
The UNC receives the visit of Senator Pierre Frogier on its Nouville campus
After a suspension linked to the health situation, official visits …Read moreFilm debate “Food autonomy, health and respect for the land”
L’UNC présente son prochain ciné-débat qui aura lieu le jeudi …Read moreWhat Regional Economic Integration for French Pacific Territories?
Is the regional integration of French Pacific territories (the FPT, …Read more
The UNC receives the visit of Senator Pierre Frogier on its Nouville campus
After a suspension linked to the health situation, official visits …Read moreFilm debate “Food autonomy, health and respect for the land”
L’UNC présente son prochain ciné-débat qui aura lieu le jeudi …Read moreWhat Regional Economic Integration for French Pacific Territories?
Is the regional integration of French Pacific territories (the FPT, …Read more
The UNC receives the visit of Senator Pierre Frogier on its Nouville campus
After a suspension linked to the health situation, official visits …Read moreFilm debate “Food autonomy, health and respect for the land”
L’UNC présente son prochain ciné-débat qui aura lieu le jeudi …Read moreWhat Regional Economic Integration for French Pacific Territories?
Is the regional integration of French Pacific territories (the FPT, …Read more
The Semester Exchange
During the 4 to 6 months semester of study abroad, the student remains enrolled at the UNC and is exempt from tuition fees in the host university. The student takes their exams in situ. If they are not eligible for a degree in the host university, their grades and credits are transferred to the bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral (LMD) system upon their return to New Caledonia. A semester validated abroad is equal to one semester at the UNC.
This type of mobility is only open to students from their second year of a bachelor’s degree.
Les actions à entreprendre étape par étape

Envie de partir

Prendre rendez-vous avec le représentant des relations internationales de son département avec un projet de mobilité et le dossier de candidature

Être sélectionné par l’UNC
Déposer son dossier complet après validation par le représentant avec tous les documents à la DARRED avant le 1er mars ou le 1er septembre selon le semestre de mobilité

Être sélectionné par l’université d’accueil
Si le dossier est validé par la commission des relations internationales et après réception de la lettre d’acceptation de l’université d’accueil, établir avec le responsable pédagogique de filière le contrat d’études (choix des cours dans l’université d’accueil)

Préparer son départ
Effectuer les formalités de visa, de logement (si disponible), de certification de langues au centre de ressources en langues (CRL) si besoin

Faire son semestre à l’étranger
- To have passed the exams in the first session to validate their semester with the minimum marks required by the host university (university results and language proficiency level for some universities)
- All required documents are submitted before the deadline (letter of commitment, administrative file, etc.)
- Hold a valid passport (then a study visa once accepted)
The detailed procedure is available from the Office for Research, Outreach and Doctoral Studies Support (DARRED).
Financial Aid Schemes
Financial assistance schemes, which depend on the student’s destination and their resources, are provided for students wanting to complete a semester of study (see details on the presentation leaflet).
- Transport assistance: full or partial support for transport costs
- Monthly Mobility Scholarship: grant for living expenses and mobility-related extra costs (visa, health insurance)
- International Mobility Assistance from the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research: automatic grant for state scholarship students (cumulative with other mobility support schemes)
Upon request by the scholarship student, the UNC is also be able to advance the visa and health insurance costs; the full amount will need to be subsequently reimbursed once the notification document for amount paid has been received.
UNC student mobility in Europe is co-financed by the European Union’s ERASMUS programme.
Office For Research, Outreach And Doctoral Studies Support (DARRED)
(+687) 290 480
- Tableau des partenaires
- Stratégie Erasmus de l'UNC
- Lettre d’engagement mobilité internationale
- Kit mobilité internationale Erasmus
- Guide mobilité sortante UNC 2025
- Fiche de candidature mobilité internationale
- Dossier d’inscription test IELTS
- Dispositifs d’aides financières semestre d’études et stage entreprise
- Convention de stage en anglais
- Charte étudiants Erasmus