Degree in Geography and Planning

Bachelor’s Degree Department of Arts, Languages and Humanities

After a first year in common with the History Degree, which allows students to acquire strong knowledge and skills in these two complementary fields of human sciences, the completion of the course allows a specialisation in geography. It includes lessons relating to, among other things, the environment, town planning, regional planning, sustainable development and the geography of risks.

The course is adapted to the New Caledonian context. In general classes, New Caledonian or Pacific regional examples are systematically used in the lecture and / or in tutorials. Specialised and non-optional lessons are added to these and deal with local and regional themes (geography of New Caledonia, geography of the Pacific Islands, cities and city life in the Pacific Islands Region, etc.). Finally, at the end of their studies the students receive thorough training in geomatics, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing.

Secretariat of the Arts, Languages and Humanities Department

Phone: (+687) 290 400