How do I submit a manuscript?
You Want to Submit a Manuscript
You can contact the Director of PUNC, the Editorial Coordinator or the Director of the relevant collection. Your project will be reviewed by the editorial board.
Manuscrit Submission Sheet
To facilitate the committee’s review of projects, please download, complete and return the “Manuscript Submission” sheet.
Should you want to publish in co-edition, please tell us very clearly the conditions and give us the contact information of the person in charge of your project in the publishing house outside of the PUNC.
Authors’ instructions
If your submission is accepted, it will be included in the PUNCs editorial calendar and will be overseen by the Editorial Coordinator.
Your manuscript needs to be submitted in two forms: digital (word or compatible) and paper (in A4, printed recto only, identical to the digital version).
Formatting the Original Manuscript
The format of the original manuscript must comply with instructions provided on the “Authors’ Instructions” sheet to facilitate editorial work. The correct format means faster reviewing, correcting and formatting of the manuscript, which should include a list of illustrations and a list of graphs. Any illustrations should be sent separately and correspond to a minimum of 300 dpi.
Once your project has been accepted and your correctly formatted manuscript has been received, it will go through two major stages.
A copy will be prepared in Word. Your manuscript will be fully reviewed, and we will make any necessary corrections and improvements (spelling, grammar, typography, bibliography…). This review work will be carried out in conjunction with you and will help refine the schedule for the editorial process. You will have to reread the prepared copy very carefully and make, if you wish, author corrections (on the substance of the book). This is the last chance as any future corrections would change the layout of the manuscript. This step leads to the final manuscript.
Final Manuscript
The text of this final manuscript is then formatted, and you will also receive the proofs to reread very carefully for possible spelling or formatting corrections. You will need to follow the advice provided by the editorial coordinator when making these last corrections.
New Caledonia University Presses (PUNC)

Françoise Cayrol | Editorial Coordinator
(+687) 290 475