University Diploma in History of the Arts in Oceania
University Diploma (DU) Department of Continued Education (Lifelong Learning)Art history has never been so popular. The inclusion of this subject in school curricula is proof of this. But while there are numerous tools available for history of Western Arts, they are scarce for non-European Arts and even more so for Oceanic Arts. That’s why the UNC offers a University Diploma (DU) in the History of the Oceanic Arts. This programme proposes to explore the field of visual arts whether they are tangible, on traditional (from wood to canvas and from earth to skin) and contemporary media (digital media for example), or intangible such as dance, singing and music, etc. Oceania is to be taken in its traditional sense: a set of small islands and, in addition to this pelagic seedbed, an island continent (Australia).
Secretariat of Continued Education