Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU)

University Education Diploma (DAEU) Department of Continued Education (Lifelong Learning)

The Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU) allows enrolment in post-Baccalauréat/tertiary courses in order to access a training project or to carry out a personal and/or professional project. The trainees are given the knowledge they need to obtain the diploma, which is equivalent to the Baccalauréat.
This course is aimed at all applicants who do not have a Baccalauréat diploma, have the prerequisites for access to the training and wish to acquire the DAEU:

  • DAEU A: General second level
  • DAEU B: 1st scientific level.


Please contact the Continuing Education Department.
Continuing Education Secretariat

Email: sfc@unc.nc